naltrexone 4.50mg extremely tired

Experiencing Extreme Fatigue on Naltrexone 4.50mg: What You Need to Know And More

Usually taken at a dose of 4.50 mg, naltrexone is mainly used to treat alcohol and opioid addiction by reducing cravings and obstructing the effects of the drugs. But as with any prescription, there are potential adverse effects, and fatigue is a prominent one. This article investigates the relationship between Naltrexone 4.50 mg and fatigue, covering its advantages, possible drawbacks, and methods for treating extreme tiredness.

Naltrexone 4.50 mg: what is it?

One frequent medicine for treating alcohol and opioid dependence is naltrexone, which comes in many dosages, one of which is 4.50 mg. It can have negative effects even though it is helpful in aiding addiction rehabilitation. This article examines the possible adverse effects of 4.50 mg of naltrexone in detail, including advice on how patients can handle any difficulties they may encounter.

Getting to Know the Dosage: 4.50 mg of naltrexone

There are many strengths of naltrexone available, with the 4.50mg dosage being less prevalent than the 50mg tablets. It is crucial for individuals who are prescribed this dosage to be aware of any possible negative effects because this lower dose is usually used in customized treatment regimens.

Typical Side Effects

Naltrexone can have certain negative effects, despite the fact that it is normally well tolerated. To properly manage these potential side effects, patients should be made aware of them and should speak with their healthcare professional.

Usual Naltrexone 4.50 mg Side Effects

digestive problems

Gastrointestinal discomfort is among the negative effects of Naltrexone 4.50mg that are most frequently mentioned. This may include:

Nausea: Patients may have mild to severe nausea often. Fortunately, this normally goes away after a few days of therapy.

Vomiting:While less common, some people may experience vomiting. It is crucial to speak with a healthcare professional if this persists.

Constipation or Diarrhea: Modifications in bowel habits may transpire. These issues often improve over time but can be managed with dietary changes and medications if needed.

A headache

Another typical adverse effect that can range in severity from minor to severe and occasionally last for a long period is headaches. You can lessen this problem by eating on a regular schedule and staying well-hydrated. To reduce the agony, medical providers could also suggest using over-the-counter painkillers.

Feeling lightheaded and exhausted

When using 4.50 mg of Naltrexone, some people suffer weariness or dizziness, which can interfere with everyday activities and general health. It’s advisable to wait until you know how the drug affects you before operating heavy machinery or driving. If these symptoms start to annoy you, talk to your doctor about any possible changes or management techniques.


Insomnia or trouble falling asleep is an additional possible consequence. This problem may be resolved by establishing a regular bedtime schedule and designing a cozy sleeping space. Your doctor may occasionally recommend sleep aids or prescription modifications to enhance the quality of your sleep.

Less Frequent Yet Dangerous Side Effects

Problems with Liver Function

Although it’s uncommon, naltrexone processing by the liver can occasionally result in problems with liver function. Jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes), black urine, and severe abdominal pain—all of which may be indicators of liver problems—are warning signs to be aware of. Regular liver function tests are advised throughout treatment to ensure safety.

Responses to Allergies

Despite being rare, allergic responses to naltrexone can occur in certain persons.Possible symptoms include redness, swelling, itching, and difficulty breathing. It’s imperative that you get medical attention as soon as you notice any of these signs.

Effects on the Mind

Patients may experience mood swings or psychological symptoms like depression or anxiety in certain cases. These side effects should be carefully watched, and the drug may need to be adjusted or a mental health specialist consulted.

Controlling Adverse Reactions

Speak with your healthcare provider

It’s critical to discuss any side effects you have with your healthcare professional. If necessary, they can determine whether the adverse effects are tolerable, recommend changing the dosage, or look into other options for therapy.

Modifications to Lifestyle

Adjusting certain lifestyle habits can help manage side effects. For instance:

Diet: Eating smaller meals more frequently will settle troubled tummies.

Hydration: Maintaining a regular drink intake relieves headaches and dizziness and helps prevent dehydration.

Sleep hygiene: You can control insomnia and get better sleep by creating a relaxing bedtime routine and adhering to a regular sleep schedule.

Control of Medication

Your doctor might recommend extra drugs in specific circumstances to assist control adverse effects. For example, laxatives or anti-nausea medications may be recommended to treat gastrointestinal distress.


      1.Naltrexone Overview:

  • Naltrexone is primarily used to manage alcohol and opioid dependence. At a standard dose, it helps reduce cravings and block the effects of narcotics.
  • The 4.50mg dosage, while less common, is sometimes used for off-label treatments such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and autoimmune disorders.
  1. Side Effects:
    • Extreme Tiredness: Fatigue is a reported side effect of Naltrexone, including the 4.50mg dose. This can impact daily activities and overall quality of life.
    • Other Common Side Effects: May include gastrointestinal issues (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation), headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, and rare allergic reactions.
  2. Managing Extreme Tiredness:
    • Lifestyle Adjustments: Staying hydrated, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and eating regular, balanced meals can help manage fatigue.
    • Consulting a Healthcare Provider: If tiredness is severe, it’s essential to talk to your doctor. They might adjust your dosage or recommend supportive treatments.


Despite being less frequently used than the typical 50mg dosage, naltrexone 4.50mg is utilized for some therapeutic regimens, including off-label applications. One possible side effect of this medicine is extreme fatigue. Patients should think about making lifestyle adjustments to better their food, sleep patterns, and hydration in order to manage their weariness. A healthcare professional should be consulted if you experience severe or persistent fatigue so that any necessary support or dose modifications can be made.


1. What is Naltrexone 4.50mg used for?

  • Naltrexone 4.50mg is often used to treat alcohol and opioid dependence and, in lower doses, for off-label conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic pain.

2. Can Naltrexone 4.50mg cause extreme tiredness?

  • Yes, extreme tiredness is a reported side effect of Naltrexone 4.50mg. This fatigue can affect daily activities and overall quality of life.

3. How can I manage fatigue caused by Naltrexone 4.50mg?

  • Staying hydrated, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and eating small, frequent meals can help manage fatigue. If the tiredness is severe, consult your healthcare provider.

4. What should I do if I experience severe tiredness on Naltrexone 4.50mg?

  • If tiredness becomes severe or persistent, talk to your healthcare provider. They may adjust your dosage or suggest additional treatments to help manage the side effect.

5. Are there other side effects of Naltrexone 4.50mg?

  • Yes, other side effects can include gastrointestinal issues, headaches, dizziness, and sleep disturbances. Rarely, allergic reactions may also occur.

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